Apex Legends: Map guide

Apex Legends: Map guide

All locations
  • Airbase
  • Artillery
  • Bridges
  • Bunker
  • Cascades
  • Hydro Dam
  • Market
  • Relay
  • Repulsor
  • Runoff
  • Skull Town
  • Slum Lakes
  • Swamps
  • The Pit
  • Thunderdome
  • Water Treatment
  • Wetlands

More Apex Legends Bests

Map Highlights

Some notable loot spots exist in Apex Legends right now. We'll be heavily updating this section once we've spent some more time with the game, so stay tuned for updates very soon!
Skull Town
A shanty town with a big ol' skull running across it. There are plenty of buildings to loot here and a lot of vertical space to toy around with if you do encounter any resistance. It's also been surprisingly unpopulated whenever we've dropped at this location, so give this spot a try if you want to gear up fast.
Again, another location filled to the brim with loot. Usually there aren't many people here either, so you can wander over to Skulltown once you've stripped it bare. Do be careful if another squad lands with you though, as it's quite a small area.
We'd prioritise snapping up loot quickly and getting aggressive if you spot any resistance. This way you'll stop them from running off with all the goodies, after which you can carry on looting in - relative - peace.
Hydro Dam
This zone has great loot, but expect a tonne of enemies if you land here. Make sure you aim for a door upon landing so you can get to all the good stuff as fast as possible, and get out of harm's way too.
Two Spines (East of Cascades, West of Wetlands)
Unmarked on the map, but very much underrated. It lies right between Cascades and Wetlands, or south of Artillery if your coming from that direction. While it's pretty open - which could leave you vulnerable if another team drops here - there's an absurd number of supply crates to gear up with.